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Everyone has a task system. Come learn about ours!

Updated over a week ago

What are Tasks?

Tasks are things that need to be done by your team. They could be learning/onboarding-based, project based, or anything in between.

Tasks consist of the following properties:

  • Task Title: The high-level description of the task

  • Due Date: When the task is due (displayed in your computer's timezone)

  • Linked Content: Card, guide, or external link

  • Task Details: Free-form content block

  • Assignment: Who is responsible for doing this task? The task will appear in their task list, and their name next to it

Difference Between Tasks and Action Plans

Action Plans consist of many tasks, and they are reusable. Use Action Plans to do employee onboarding, partner to client delivery, or anything that requires managing many small tasks.

Tasks, on the other hand, are intended to be specific things that need to be done. They are not reusable by themselves—only if in an Action Plan.

Task List

Every user can see their list of tasks and action plans on the "Tasks" page. This will show them all in-progress tasks by default, but they can also see their completed tasks here as well.

This view is also available in the Sidekick extension.

Link Cards, Guides, and Other Content

When editing a task, you can select to link out to a card, a guide, or an external website.

Simply choose what you are linking out to, and then find the resource in the dropdown menu.

You can customize the link text as well, for example to say "Complete Form" (with a link to a Google Form), rather than "Open Link".

When a user clicks to open a card or guide, it will open in the sidebar rather than a new tab. This keeps them "in the flow of work" and more likely to complete their task.

Linked Content in Managed Accounts

If a card or guide is linked to from a task, it will be accessible by anyone who has access to that task. This is especially important for managed accounts.

This means that you can connect a card or guide to a task without having to distribute it to your client account. It "just works". This makes your life WAY simpler.

Tasks in Sidekick

It's a goal of tasks and Action Plans to meet users where they're at: in HubSpot, in systems they're training on, wherever. So, tasks and Action Plans are usable from the Sidekick extension.

Task Notifications

When a user is assigned a task, they will receive a notification about it. This will include a link to the task.

The user will not receive a notification if the task is part of an Action Plan—because Action Plans have their own notifications.

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